The Warren Integrated Studies HUB


The official Opening of the Warren Integrated Studies HUB took place on Friday 19 August 2022 by Her Excellency the Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, Governor of NSW and Dedicated by The Archbishop of Sydney, The Most Reverend Kaniska Raffel

In addition to opening this $13.5m facility, the School to officially opened Stage 2 of the Integrated Studies Precinct, the Beavis Mathematics Rooms and the new Visual Art Studios. This $2.5m redevelopment of Stage 2 brings the final project to $16m. 

This new building and the facilities in Stage 2 will enable our students to learn, work and create in their areas of interest to new levels of sophistication.

Our aim is to develop young people of character and intellect who look to the future with optimism. The Warren Integrated Studies HUB underpins that aim by offering facilities that will enable our student to develop their unique gifts and talents to the very highest levels. This milestone project will transform opportunities for our students for many years to come. 
Dr David Nockles​

Opening of the HUB

Flythrough of the Warren Integrated Studies HUB

Features of the Integrated Studies Precinct

This precinct has been designed with significant input from the faculties of Science, Mathematics and the faculty of Technology and Creative Design. It will provide an innovative teaching and learning space fit for the demands of 21st Century learning. Through the creation of these dedicated spaces, the School intends to build on current initiatives and underpin the academic success of students within the scientific, technological and artistic disciplines.  

The precinct itself is to be considered a teaching tool for students in environmental sustainability as well as innovation, engineering and entrepreneurial skills. Operational elements and structural elements will be exposed and labelled to show students the functions of design, engineering and environmental factors and how they interrelate.

Once the Integrated Studies Precinct is fully open it will contain:
• 5 Science Laboratories including one Senior Science Laboratory
• 1 Science Preparation Room
• 1 Agriculture General Purpose Learning Area (GPLA)
• 4 Design and Technology workshops
• 1 Textile and clean design studio
• 3 Information and Computing Technology GPLAs
• A Design Store and Preparation Area
• A Seminar Room
• Staff Facilities (23 teachers across 3 Faculties with 6 ancillary staff)
• 6 Mathematics GPLAs
• 4 Visual Arts Studios

In addition a wonderful art galary has been designed for future construction to cap of this area.

We trust you enjoy these architect impressions of the Warren Integrated Studies HUB. Click on each image for a more detailed look.